Call for Papers – Volume 3
Africa Journal of Leadership and Governance (AJOLG)
Date: 3 June 2024
Leadership and Strategic Thinking for Organisational Effectiveness
Brief description of the journal:
The Africa Journal on Leadership and Governance (AJOLG) is a publication that seeks to bring together scholars from around the globe to share contextual issues, theories, and practices on leadership and governance with a special focus on the African continent. The publication is biannual and all published journal articles go through a rigorous blind peer review process by experts in leadership and governance. The journal provides a space for sharing and debating social, political, and economic issues within leadership and management. The publication outputs are not only for academic consumption but also for policy considerations for organizations and local and central governments in Africa and the globe. The journal provides an open-source platform to enhance the promotion of transformative learning of good and sustainable leadership and governance practices. In addition, AJOLG is a scholarship platform that challenges scholars to bring out epistemic democracy and justice in producing and utilizing knowledge systems in Africa.
The publication is co-managed and co-published by institutions in the International Leadership Consortium (ILC) of International Leadership Universities under the Campus Crusade for Christ. The administrative arrangement of the journal attests to its diversity in terms of academic views, fields of specialization in leadership and governance, cutting across dynamics of socio-cultural, religious, political, and geographical spread.
Brief description of the Call for Papers
It is expected that the authors of the papers should bring to the fore how leadership and strategic thinking are vital resources for organizational effectiveness and sustainable development. In addition, the authors should provide empirical evidence for theory and policy contribution to academia and organizational development. Therefore, the call for papers is sought in the following thematic areas but one can explore other relevant issues beyond this list.
- Local authority sustainability
- Digitalization of business for quality service delivery
- Leadership effectiveness in public institutions
Length and content of the abstract:
Each abstract must be between 200 and 250 words. A one-paragraph abstract is required which should highlight the following: focus of the paper, problematization of the subject matter, methodology, and summary of major findings and conclusions. When you submit your abstract, use the following template and ensure to list keywords at the end of the abstract.
Abstract Submission Template:
- Title of Paper
- Theme in which the paper is located
- Corresponding Author
- Title (Prof. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms)
- Initials:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Institution:
- Department:
- Country:
- E-mail:
- Mobile on Whatsapp:
- Co-Author
- Title (Prof. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms)
- Initials:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Institution:
- Department:
- Country:
- E-mail:
- Mobile:
Format of the Full Paper
- Referencing style: American Psychological Association (APA) 6th or later edition
- Language preference: English UK or USA. Whichever type of English you prefer; you must consistently use it throughout the abstract and the full paper.
- Font style and line spacing: Times New Roman; 1.5 Line Spacing
- Margins: Maintain the standard margins of 2.5cm (1 inch all round)
- Print orientation: Portrait on A4 paper size
- Notes to text: If you must, please use footnotes but not endnotes.
- Presentation of Tables and Figures: These should be integrated into the text/narrative guided by the APA format.
Length of the full paper:
The paper should be between 6000 and 8000 words.
Structure of the full paper:
- Abstract
- The abstract should cover the paper’s focus, objectives, key findings, key conclusions, and key recommendations or suggestions for future research.
- Introduction
- This should include a clear problematization of the issue under focus and a concise statement of the problem and objectives.
- Literature Review
- To include a theoretical or conceptual framework underpinning the paper’s focus as well as a brief empirical literature review.
- Methodology
- Clearly articulate and justify the methodology applied in the development of the paper.
- Presentation and Discussion of Results
- Clearly present the results and ensure that the discussion of the results adequately interfaces with the existing literature on the subject matter.
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- This requires you to include conclusions, recommendations, or suggestions for future research on the policy level in line with the subject matter.
- Call for Abstracts: 7 June 2024
- Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts: 12 July 2024
- Notification of Accepted Abstracts: 24 July 2024
- Submission of the Full Manuscript of 6000-8000 words: 13 September 2024
- Review of manuscripts: 14 – 30 September 2024
- Comments on manuscripts sent to the authors: 2 October 2024
- Deadline for Receipt of final versions: 18 October 2024
- Publication of papers: 31 October 2024
Please email your abstract and full paper to: Mr. Paddington Marimo (